Observing a bunch of surfers in the water made me realize the importance of patience. They all tied the surfing board to their ankle and on top of it swam into deeper waters. They waited patiently for the right wave. They would keep their eyes on the movement of the water. When they saw the perfect wave forming, they laid flat on their belly and began to swim on their board. Up on their feet. Swaying with the waves. What a beautiful sight!
Admiring them reminded me of Dewitt Jones, a professional photographer for National Geographic. In his video" Focus Your Vision" he emphasized the importance of a goal in life; what it is one is looking for, especially when it comes to photography. Then, one needs to wait until it shows up. The right moment for the picture will come when the photographer is patient and waits.
The right wave will come up. The surfer needs to be patient.
It just makes me wonder how patient are we with our own process.