En el evangelio según San Lucas y en el de San Mateo aparecen varios personajes que nos ayudan a prepararnos para la venida del Mesías. Se presenta el gran profeta Isaías, anunciando la salvación, Juan el Bautista (Mateo 3,1-12), El ángel del Señor (Lucas c. 1), Zacarías (Lucas 1,5-22; 1,67-79), isabel (Lucas 1,39-45), San José (Mateo 1,18-25) y María de Nazaret (Lucas 1,18-25).
Cada una de estas figuras nos hablan de espera, de acogida, de fe, de confianza, de servicio, de humildad, de paciencia, de entrega incondicional al misterio de Dios que viene a sus criaturas, que se hace hombre, uno más como nosotros, excepto en el pecado. Jesús, el Hijo de Dios, su persona nos dice quién es Dios, y dios en Jesús nos dice quién es el hombre.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
A todas y todos en este muy bello día!Estas fotos muestra el trabajo de muchos jóvenes y adultos quienes se reúnen para repartir pavo a las familias necesitadas.
Youth and adults gather to celebrate Thanksgiving by sharing turkey and other food items with those in need.
Our sisters organize the activity.
Youth and adults gather to celebrate Thanksgiving by sharing turkey and other food items with those in need.
Our sisters organize the activity.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Religiosas y el Obispo Felipe
On November 11, the Religious of Diocese of St. Augustine met with Mons. Felipe Estevez for the first time since his appointment as bishop to our Diocese.
There were Religious Sisters from about 15 communitites. The occasion offered an opportunity for the sisters to share about their minstries, years and a bit about each congregation.
Tuvimos la oportunidad de participar de la reunion de las religiosas con el obispo Estevez. Fue la oportunidad para presentarnos, compa
rtir sobre nuestros ministerios y conocernos un poco mas.
Al final del dia, despues de la Eucaristia y un poco de almuerzo, nos regresamos a las casas listas para continuar nuestras tareas.
There were Religious Sisters from about 15 communitites. The occasion offered an opportunity for the sisters to share about their minstries, years and a bit about each congregation.
Tuvimos la oportunidad de participar de la reunion de las religiosas con el obispo Estevez. Fue la oportunidad para presentarnos, compa
rtir sobre nuestros ministerios y conocernos un poco mas.
Al final del dia, despues de la Eucaristia y un poco de almuerzo, nos regresamos a las casas listas para continuar nuestras tareas.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Food Insecurity and Migration
On every first Friday for a year, eat meals that cost only as much as is allotted for a family of your size by the USDA Modified Thrifty Food Plan. This plan is used as the basis for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly called food stamps). The “cutting back” that will likely be required in order to stay “in budget” can be considered a form of fasting.
The theme for December 2nd will be Food Insecurity and Migration Access the related resource here: http://www.usccb.org/about/justice-peace-and-human-development/upload/Fasting-Resource-December-2.pdf
Calculate your family's First Friday food budget: http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/Publications/FoodPlans/2011/CostofFoodMay2011.pdf
On First Friday, post your reflections and experiences on the "wall." For example:
- What did you purchase for your family to eat on First Friday and how much did the items cost? (Look at your receipt from when you shopped for the items.)
- Was it hard to stay "in budget"?
- Did you have to cut back or change what you would normally have eaten?
- What was your experience praying or reflecting about this?
- What actions to impact hunger were you inspired to take as a result?
The theme for December 2nd will be Food Insecurity and Migration Access the related resource here: http://www.usccb.org/about/justice-peace-and-human-development/upload/Fasting-Resource-December-2.pdf
Calculate your family's First Friday food budget: http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/Publications/FoodPlans/2011/CostofFoodMay2011.pdf
On First Friday, post your reflections and experiences on the "wall." For example:
- What did you purchase for your family to eat on First Friday and how much did the items cost? (Look at your receipt from when you shopped for the items.)
- Was it hard to stay "in budget"?
- Did you have to cut back or change what you would normally have eaten?
- What was your experience praying or reflecting about this?
- What actions to impact hunger were you inspired to take as a result?
I am extending this invitation to all who visit our blog. Trying to buy food with $4.50 a day for the entire day is a big challenge. It is sad to say in our own country many have to live out of that amount.
I understand many may thing it will not help, so on and so forth. It could be true. What I can assure you of is that it will help your heart, your way of spending money on food you do not need.
Read on and try your best. It is just once a month. Share with us the experience and help us grow in the desire of living poorly.
" Facebook Event: November 4
On Friday, November 4 (the first Friday in November) Catholics are invited to "fast" by limiting meal spending to the amount allotted for a family of their size in the USDA Modified Thrifty Food Plan, which is used as the basis for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly called food stamps). On Friday, November 4, participants can visit the Facebook event page to leave comments about their experiences and access information and reflections on food insecurity in the U.S.A handout on the theme of Poverty in the United States for use on November 4 (http://tiny.cc/4o7op) is also available. First Fridays for Food Security will continue on every first Friday through April 6, 2012.
I understand many may thing it will not help, so on and so forth. It could be true. What I can assure you of is that it will help your heart, your way of spending money on food you do not need.
Read on and try your best. It is just once a month. Share with us the experience and help us grow in the desire of living poorly.
" Facebook Event: November 4
On Friday, November 4 (the first Friday in November) Catholics are invited to "fast" by limiting meal spending to the amount allotted for a family of their size in the USDA Modified Thrifty Food Plan, which is used as the basis for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly called food stamps). On Friday, November 4, participants can visit the Facebook event page to leave comments about their experiences and access information and reflections on food insecurity in the U.S.A handout on the theme of Poverty in the United States for use on November 4 (http://tiny.cc/4o7op) is also available. First Fridays for Food Security will continue on every first Friday through April 6, 2012.
Breaking the Cycle of Poverty
New Video "CCHD: Living Our Faith, Breaking the Cycle of Poverty" The USCCB Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development is pleased to announce a new video to share the good news about the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). CCHD is the domestic, anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic bishops. The new video, "CCHD: Living Our Faith, Breaking the Cycle
of Poverty," tells how CCHD helps poor and low-income persons address poverty in their communities. The seven-minute video, which can be found on the CCHD homepage (http://tinyurl.com/3oh3kzq), can be used year-round and is just in time for the CCHD national collection, which is held in most dioceses on the weekend before Thanksgiving.
of Poverty," tells how CCHD helps poor and low-income persons address poverty in their communities. The seven-minute video, which can be found on the CCHD homepage (http://tinyurl.com/3oh3kzq), can be used year-round and is just in time for the CCHD national collection, which is held in most dioceses on the weekend before Thanksgiving.
Vocaciones en la Iglesia
Lili y yo estuvimos en un taller sobre vocaciones.
A pesar del poco numero de vocaciones en algunas Congregaciones, fue interesante oirle a los presentadores que esta es tarea del Senor. El Senor es el que llama y nosotros tenemos que seguir trabajando confiando en El que todo lo puede.
Procuremos usar nuestro mazo mientras le pedimos a nuestro Dios por las vocaciones en la Iglesia, en nuestros hogares.
Creo que es lo mismo que se nos puede decir a todos los cristianos. No importa cuan dificil se pueda poner la vida, el Senor es el dueno de la mies y es el Senor quien nos sacara hacia adelante.
"A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando" Procuremos usar nuestro mazo mientras le pedimos a nuestro Dios por las vocaciones en la Iglesia, en nuestros hogares.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Claret y Paris Cristianos de Fuego – Claret and Paris Christians of Fire
Nos dimos cita a las 2pm y comenzamos puntualmente, Regina presentó un PowerPoint con el resumen de la vida de los Fundadores, Vivian, presento nuestra Misión en el mundo, pasando por cada país y comentando un poco sobre las obras que tenemos en cada uno, mostraron mucho interés y poco a poco se fueron entusiasmando con unas y otras. Al final se llego a la decisión de comprometernos a colaborar con la obra del Kínder de Timor Leste. Comenzaran en “chiquito” nada de directivas, ni cenas, ni rifas para comenzar, cada uno se compromete a guardar algo de los gastos de cada día y una vez al mes reunirnos para compartir un poco sobre el carisma, rezar vísperas juntos y poner en común lo que cada uno recogió. Algunos quieren incorporar a sus familiares y compañeros de trabajo. Después de compartir ideas, pasamos a compartir la merienda, cada uno había traído algo para picar, se notaba su entusiasmo con la obra emprendida, un señor ahí mismo buscó una canasta de nuestra cocina y la paso pidiendo que desde hoy comenzáramos a buscar fondos para la obra de las Hermanas en Timor. Se nombraron entre ellos mismos a dos que llevarían las cuentas de cada mes. Todos manifestaron deseos de que nos comunicáramos con las hermanas para que nos den más detalles de la obra y entabláramos una relación de amistad con ellas y el pueblo dónde las hermanas están.
Pasamos a la capilla y nos amontonamos allí, ya que no es muy grande, pero les gustó la idea de hacer las vísperas ante el Santísimo. Vivian explico sobre la capilla y su uso y el privilegio de tener el Santísimo Sacramento en la casa. Durante las preces se notó que la oración les había tocado el corazón.
Pusimos fecha para nuestro próximo encuentro el 10 de diciembre de 3-5pm. Se fueron contentos y nosotras quedamos contentas también de ver el interés por los Fundadores, el Carisma y la obra misionera.
We ended the afternoon by piling in the chapel, as it’s not so big, we squeezed in to pray vespers. During the intercessions it was obvious the prayer was being done from the heart. We decided on December er 10th for the next meeting. They left happy and so were we to see their enthusiasm for the Claretian spirituality, the Founders and the missionary work.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Breaking th Cycle of Poverty
Miren este video y que el mismo sea instrumento en nuestra mision de que todos tengan el mismo derecho a la vida
New Video "CCHD: Living Our Faith, Breaking the Cycle of Poverty" The USCCB Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development is pleased to announce a new video to share the good news about the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). CCHD is the domestic, anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic bishops. The n
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