Some month ago Vivian has been asked by the priest of the community of Holy Family in Port St. Lucie to guide a retreat for the Hispanic community in that parish. Vivian asked me if I would like to help her, and I agreed. Today we have traveled to Port St. Lucie early this morning. The place where the church is located is beautiful and very peaceful appropriate for a retreat.

The team in charge had everything prepared, food, copies of the prayer, music …. Our job was only to guide the meditations of the retreat. The theme was taken from the message of the Pope for Lent, especially the gospels of the Samaritan woman, the blind man and Lazarus. In our journey through these gospels we have contemplated the woman who left her bucket, she did not need it anymore, she had received the living water, she ran to the village, come to see a man “he has told me everything I have done” would he be the Messiah. Then we met the blind man who did not ask for anything but was offered the gift of his sight after he cooperated going to the water of Siloam, ”go and wash yourself in the pool of Siloam.” Finally Lazarus who could neither ask nor do anything and was given back his life in complete freedom “untie him and let him go.” Through all three gospels we could see the glory of God, as Jesus said to Martha, “if you believe, you will see the glory of God.”
Hoy hemos ido Vivian y yo a dar un retiro a Port St. Lucie, a la parroquia de Holy Family. El lugar es precioso para un retiro, por su belleza, su silencio, su paz. Vinieron muchas personas, el equipo de la parroquia tenía todo preparado, nosotras solamente teníamos que guiar las reflexiones, meditaciones y oraciones.
El tema fue sacado del mensaje del Papa para esta cuaresma deteniéndonos especialmente en los tres evangelios de las semanas tercera, cuarta y quinta. Pudimos ver la mujer samaritana que deja su cántaro porque ya tiene el agua viva y corre al pueblo “vengan a ver un hombre que me ha dicho todo cuanto he hecho…” Seguimos luego con el ciego de nacimiento, que no pide nada porque no ve al Señor , Jesús le ofrece la vista pero le pide su cooperación “vete a lavar a la piscina de Siloé”; finalmente contemplamos a Lázaro que no puede ni pedir, ni hacer nada, a quien Jesús le devuelve el precioso don de la vida pero en total y radical libertad “desatadlo y dejadlo ir”.
Al final del retiro tuvimos un tiempo para compartir por mesas y luego para escuchar los testimonios de algunas persona. Es sorprendente como el Señor nos habla a cada uno según somos, a pesar de que todos oigamos lo mismo. Damos gracias por esta oportunidad tan hermosa. Regina