Antonia fue una mujer de fe, urgida por un amor ardiente a Cristo crucificado,
a Dios Padre y a la Iglesia. En su corazón había un solo deseo, consagrarse a
Dios, ser religiosa, en una palabra, ser toda de Él y para El. En el corazón de
Antonia hay una disponibilidad incondicional a doblegarse ante el querer de
Dios. Antes de recibir la revelación en la que se le pidió fundase una Orden
Nueva, esto es, antes del evento que conocemos como la Visión Inicial, ella misma
nos dice, que había ofrecido a Dios su vida para remediar los males de la Iglesia.
Le ofrecía mi vida en sacrificio como otras veces había hecho. (Margarita Gómez)
Maria Antonia was
a woman of faith, inspired by an ardent love of Christ crucified, of God the Father,
and of the Church. In her heart, there was a single desire, to consecrate herself
to God, to be religious, in a word, to be His and for Him. At the heart of
Antonia is an unconditional availability to bowing to the love of God. Before
receiving the revelation of founding a new order, that is, before the event we
know as the initial Vision, she tells us, that he had offered her life to God to
remedy the wrongs of the Church. I offered up my life in sacrifice as I often
Dancing Sophia's Circle, Track Thirteen.
Song (c) Colleen Fulmer.
1. I am enough, I am enough.
Just as I am I am enough.
Just as I am, Just as I am,
I am enough just as I am.
2. I am a woman, I am a woman,
My body's sacred, I am a woman.
My body's sacred, my body's sacred,
My body's sacred, I am a woman.
3. In God's own image, In God's own image,.
I am created in God's own image.
I am created, I am created,
In God's own image I am created.
4. I'm standing strong, I'm standing strong,
I won't be moved, I'm standing strong.
I won't be moved, I won't be moved,
I'm standing strong, I won't be moved.
5. I am enough, I am enough,
I walk in beauty, I am enough.
I walk in beauty, I walk in beauty,
I am enough, I walk in beauty.