Yesterday, Sunday 19th a very mixed group of young adults met at the Youth Center of the Archdiocese of Miami, to reflect, medidate, discuss and pray on the Theology of the Body. The knowledge of God through our bodies. It was a very fruitful day, where many of the doubts were clarified, where we had the blessing of witnessing the testimony of many young adults that are living in chastity and are not afraid to share it. To me as a sister was very inspiring to hear these young man and women so committed to living out their relationships with self and others from their faith. It is through self knowledge, and the complete trust in the strenght that comes from God that we are able to live chaste lives, with a full committment to the Lord and to ourselves to guard our sacredness, to share ourselves within the context of a well establish sacrament of marriage. The tools that we count on are: humbleness, sincerity with one self, respect...PRAYER, EUCHARIST, SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION...COMMUNITY LIFE WITH OTHERS THAT THINK ALIKE...BEING ACTIVELY CHASTE...
Doy gracias a Dios por la oportunidad de estar con estos jóvenes adultos reflexionando sobre el conocimiento de Dios a traves de nuestro cuerpo. El amar en castidad nos libera a todos para realmente entregarnos a profundidad... Tenemos que utilizar las herramientas a nuestro alcance para realmente vivir sanamente la castidad: todos conocemos lo que debemos y no hacer con respecto a nuestra sexualidad y el acto conyugal, qué pasa entonces? que seguimos como jóvenes adultos cayendo en las mismas decisiones de actos pre-matrimoniales? esas eran algunas de las preguntas que nos hacíamos entre los jóvenes... y la respuesta esta en la DISCIPLINA... EN LA ORACION, EN LA EUCARISIA, EN EL SACRAMENTO DE LA RECONCILIACION, LA VIDA EN COMUN CON JOVENES.... PERSONAS QUE COMPARTAN LOS MISMOS VALORES... SIENDO ACTIVAMENTE CASTOS...
Dios nos ha hecho para si....
Olga, RMI
Misionera Claretiana
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