Monday, November 3, 2014

Novices Carolina, Eridania, and Ivette
with Sister Carmen and Ondina

Is your love contagious?

This year we participated in the Archdiocesan Conference of Catechesis. The conferences were excellent, but I also enjoyed meeting so many people I know who so faithfully serve God in the catechetical ministry.

Meeting good people always energizes me, but in special way when it is people I have known for a long time or have known me for a long time. I find this as an opportunity to renew my commitment to God and the people I serve. They remind me and reaffirm my vocation. They have been there in different moments of my life. They have been an example of Christian commitment. Goodness is contagious as negativity can also poison others.

In these days in which the Ebola epidemic is causing so much suffering, especially in the poorest people of Africa, I wish good things were as contagious. It does not take much, a smile, a welcoming gaze, a gentle word. There is great need for this. As Claretians we are called "to make the way easier for others " (Antonia Paris), to make God's love present in the world with our lives and our ministry.
Sister Ondina