Sunday, August 4, 2013


Maria Antonia met Claret for the first time in 1847 during the missions that he preached in Tarragona. Yet, it seems that they did not even have an opportunity to speak to each other.
On January 1850, Claret and Paris met. HE listened to her. He had his own plans and concerns. Apart from the recent foundation of his Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, he had also just received the assignment of Archbishop of Cuba, although no one knew about it yet. Nevertheless, he gave her hope:
Now I already know that you are here,,,. the fruit is already ripe but not yet in season... (Aut 61) Cry of Ramah, Track Nine. Song (c) Colleen Fulmer.


1. The Spirit of God within us,
Crumbles the ancient walls,
Building a new creation
The city of our God.

2. Have no fear within you,
For I will be your strength
The barren will be fruitful
The lame shall dance and leap.

3. Your power will come to fullness
In the weak and humble child
From the roots of the smallest flower
To the hearts of the old and wise.

4. Old men will see their visions
Young men will dream their dreams
Women will be our prophets
With children in the land.

5. A wisdom enfleshed in Jesus
Grace that moves anew
Enkindled in a people
The many and the few.

6. The Dance of al creation,
Singer of living song
Beauty from days eternal
The praise of a loving God.

7. Root the stem of Jesse,
Tree with arms so strong
Life that grows through dying
Revealing a tender God.

8. The blessed are strong wise women
Like Esther, Sarah, Ruth
Bonding for generations
In Spirit and in truth,

9. The call goes out to nations
For women to rise and stand
Birthing themselves in power
The meek shall possess the land.

10. We struggle as one for freedom
Our heartbeat the Spirit's song
Together in pain and gladness
Ancient our dance and strong.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Dios Cercano/Loving God

...fueron muchas las veces que Dios Nuestro Señor me hacía compañía, mientras yo velaba, puesta de rodillas, orando y escribiendo. Siempre sentía a su Divina Majestad a la parte de mi mano derecha; sentía tan real y verdadera esta divina presencia que me parecía tenía una persona a mi lado...María Antonia Paris Como nos ama Dios - Son by Four 

.. . on many occasions our Lord accompanied me, while I watched, on my knees, praying and writing. I always felt his Divine Majesty next to my right hand; It felt so real and true this divine presence that it seemed as if I had someone by my side...Maria Antonia Paris "Pray" (Remix) - Lil Crazed Ft. Tommy C

Cuando sentimos la presencia cercana del Dios que ya esta con nosotros, es dificil no compartir, amar como nos ama Dios.

May God's presence guide our commitment, our writing, our life, our love.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Rogando A Nuestro Senor/

"...rogando a Nuestro Senor..."

"De Nuevo la tenemos cara a la Iglesia, enfrentada con las graves dificultades que aquejaban a esta por entonces...

" dijo Nuestro Señor (señalándome con el dedo a Mosén Claret): este es, hija mía, aquel hombre apostólico que con tantas lágrimas, por tantos años seguidos me has pedido..."

On My Knees - Nicole C. Mullen

De Creer en Ti - Jaci Velasquez

Pope Francis@Pontifex 6 Jul
The Lord speaks to us through the Scriptures and in our prayer. Let us learn to keep silence before him, as we meditate upon the Gospel.
 This passage reminds me of St. Monica who prayed for many years for the conversion of her son St. Augustine. It also reminds me of the woman in the gospel who kept asking the judge for what she deserved. It brings my mother to mind - she prays for all of us, all the time...
At the end, if we truly believe, we will see it - it will come.
Let's get on our knees...